Marketing Muse-Ings: Men Don't Respond To Paid Media (As Much As Women)
I have a love/hate relationship with research. I love what it can tell us to make us more effective marketers. I hate dealing with a bunch of dry statistics. But on the love side of the equation, a few snippets of research caught my attention this week.
Men are from Mars... A survey of 1,800 men and women found that women are significantly more inclined to make a purchase decision based on a combination of paid media (advertising) and earned media (public relations and social media) than men. Men, by contrast, are much more dependent on third party content (earned media).
I’m not a sociologist so... I’m not sure what this says about the difference in genders… just good information for marketers to factor into their media mix.
Survey says... 52% of marketers say that customer retention is one of their top objectives for this year while only 38% put the emphasis on customer acquisition.
The rest of the story... On the surface, these statistics say that marketers are finally realizing that the greatest source of business development is with current customers. However, the same survey asked the same people about their priorities for next year and the focus on customer retention dipped to 41%. Go figure.
If you can’t beat the competition... This bit of research just in. 84% of publications have a mobile website, a mobile application or both. Mobile sites were the most common, followed closely by iPhone applications, with Android and BlackBerry applications lagging.
Mobile marketing is definitely on the move... The percentage of marketers who intend to make mobile marketing a priority is expected to increase from 11% to 17% in the next year.
Mad about Mad Men... OK, no statistics in this tidbit, but one very interesting number for marketing veterans. The 60s. Seems Banana Republic is coming out with a line of men’s and women’s apparel inspired by the popular AMC series Mad Men.
Return to those thrilling days of yesteryear... Multiple martini lunches. Smoke-filled rooms. And so much more that in the interest of propriety I won’t go into. So if we can’t relive the golden era of advertising, now we can at least dress like Don Draper.
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